霧島神宮にお参りしてから、この海の絶壁にある神社に行きたくて100km以上の距離を自動車で走り鵜戸神宮まで行きました。空が晴れていたので、雰囲気も含めてよかった。After visiting Kirishima Shrine, I wanted to visit this shrine on a cliff in the sea, so I drove over 100km to Udo Shrine. The sky was clear, so the atmosphere was nice. NIKON Z8 + NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f/2.8 S

34mm, f/9, 1/400s, ISO-250

70mm, f/9, 1/400s, ISO-64

49mm, f/9, 1/640s, ISO-250

24mm, f/9, 1/640s, ISO-200

35mm, f/4.5, 1/640s, ISO-160

24mm, f/11, 1/400s, ISO-180

34mm, f/5, 1/100s, ISO-1000

39mm, f/2.8, 1/100s, ISO-1600