レンタカーを借りて一番初めに行った観光地は霧島神宮でした。日本神話の天孫降臨神話に登場した天津神の瓊瓊杵尊ゆかりの神宮です。高千穂峰に登りたかったけれでも時間がなかったので、霧島神宮参拝までです。The first tourist spot I went to after renting a car was Kirishima Shrine. This shrine is associated with Ninigi-no-Mikoto, the heavenly god who appeared in the Japanese mythology of the descent of the grandson of the heavenly god. I wanted to climb Mount Takachiho, but I didn’t have time, so I only visited Kirishima Shrine. NIKON Z8 + NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f/2.8 S

24mm, f/9, 1/400s, ISO-250

35mm, f/9, 1/250s, ISO-125

35mm, f/11, 1/250s, ISO-360

24mm, f/11, 1/250s, ISO-640

49mm, f/5.6, 11/400s, ISO-360

50mm, f/3.2, 1/250s, ISO-320

35mm, f/9, 1/250s, ISO-100